At Royal Free London our consultant staff lead the trust’s clinical services. Our consultants not only have the opportunity to make the difference to our patients through service provision but are actively encouraged to:
Engage in our active programme of research
Take part in (and lead) our ‘clinical practice group’ work which drives the development of our services and ensures our services are consistent and at the forefront of practice
Develop and lead quality improvement programmes which improve services as well as improve the experience of both patients and staff
Non-training grade doctors are an integral part of the NHS workforce; from junior clinical fellows, who may be taking a year out of training to focus on a desired specialty, to specialty doctors and associate specialists working alongside their consultant colleagues.
Below is some further information on the types of non-training grade doctor employed within the trust, as well as contract information for our current employees.
SAS doctors include specialty doctors, associate specialists and staff grades. All doctors appointed into new SAS posts should be appointed as specialty doctors, however a number of doctors still remain on the terms and conditions for those grades which are now closed to new entrants.
SCF doctors are senior clinical fellows. Doctors appointed into this grade are usually working at the same level as ST3+ trainee doctors, but will be paid on the trust grade doctor contract which closely mirrors the ‘New Deal’ 2002 trainee contract with some local amendments. SCF doctors are therefore paid bandings for their out of hours work.
SCF doctors can work on their own independent rotas, or share rotas with senior trainees.
JCF doctors are junior clinical fellows. Doctors appointed into this grade are usually working at the same level as FY2 – ST2 trainee doctors, but will be paid on the trust Grade doctor contract which closely mirrors the ‘New Deal’ 2002 trainee contract with some local amendments. SCF doctors are therefore paid bandings for their out of hours work.
JCF doctors can work on their own independent rotas, or share rotas with junior trainees.
Led by the directors of postgraduate medical education, a medical education team and a large faculty of committed education and clinical supervisors, we work with our partners, Health Education North Central and East London to provide postgraduate teaching at the Royal Free. We ensure that our doctors are educated, trained and motivated to world class standards so that they play their part in the care of our local community and more generally in a modern health service.
We also aim to improve the safety of the hospital environment and quality of patient experiences by our commitment to simulated learning, including team based events with doctors and nurses of different healthcare backgrounds while emphasising the role human factors play in enhancing care.
Our organisation has strong links with UCL Partners and supports large numbers of doctors conducting clinical and bench research. In 2014 the Royal Free merged with Barnet and Chase Farm hospitals making the new organisation one of the largest post-graduate training institutions in the country with more than 600 postgraduate trainees.
We also host many international trainee doctors who aspire to bring some of the knowledge and skills they gain here back to their own countries.